Thursday, May 24, 2012

Now You're Just Somebody That I Used to Know

Hello, Hypothetical Readers.
As you are probably beginning to understand, most of my blog titles will be song lyrics, because for some reason I think that's creative. It probably isn't.
At any rate, this morning I was thinking about some people that I've known and loved in the past (I don't necessarily mean romantically), and the choices they have made and the lives they lead.

Now, I'm not here to judge anybody. Believe me, God did not step down from his almighty fluffy throne to hand me the Judge Stick.  But I can be disappointed with a person without judging them, can't I?
If only because I know they can do better.

A friend of a friend used to say something that I'm just now starting to understand:
"People are in your life for reasons, seasons, and lifetimes."
As much as it breaks my heart, the seasons for some people have come to a close.  Not because I don't love them anymore, but because it hurts my heart to see them not living out their potential, and I don't want to spend my life being sad.

Is that wrong, Hypothetical Readers?

In other news, I have new blog buttons! Courtesy of  Her New Leaf's button freebies that I found via Pinterest.
Kira is super cute (she kind of looks like Holly!) and her design skills are amazing. Please go give her blog some lovin'.
Also, please continue to pop by South By City, the other blog I contribute to, for awesome funtime stuff!

Thanks for reading!

FYI, I hate this song.

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