Friday, May 25, 2012


I've been thinking a lot lately about what my early high school self would think of my current twenty-year old self.
Back then, I wore only black (because I thought I was goth and black is slimming) and was "allergic" to the color pink unless it was hot pink with black stripes.
Terrifying, isn't it? Not just the photo quality, that is.
Nowadays, I am totally smitten by color! I've been bitten by the color bug! Aquas, pastel pinks, yellows, all of it calls my name. Sure, I still wear a lot of black, because it's still slimming and because I can't afford to buy new clothes all willy-nilly, but I also have some color that has crept into my wardrobe.
(PS, please never ask me to dress up for a rave. You will get this.)
That's better.

Anybody notice that I have on different glasses in every picture?

I sometimes wonder if my sixteen year old self would be proud of me or hate me. Sixteen year old me was stagnating in a small Southern town, in a very negative relationship, with no discernible plan for the future.  I also despised blondes, bright colors and "preps."
Twenty year old me IS blonde (if only temporarily; pink here I come!), prefers bright or pastel colors and is semi-okay with preppy kids. I'm also a Junior in an amazing school, getting a degree in Art and living out on my own.
So, some changes are bittersweet, but all in all I'm finally becoming someone my sixteen year old self could have looked up to.

Junior year of High School
Junior year of College


So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse

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