Friday, September 20, 2013

Getting Over It

I think I could end your life and not regret it tomorrow.
It would be easier than missing you every day.
My hatred for you hurts in places I didn't know I had,
Because I love(d) you just as much.
One year apart is not nearly enough
To forget the sound of your voice.
I would put galaxies between us,
If I could,
I would reshape history and erase you from it,
Like a misspelled word or a poorly drawn face.
I want to open the window of my soul,
And empty you out of it, completely
Air out all the mildew and charred remains,
The sunshine finally touching all of my cold veins.
But you clog my arteries and synapses,
You take up space in my memory.
You won't let me let you go, like
Your existence depends on me.

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