Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Learning to Walk Again

I realize that it's been about eight billion years since I've posted.

Between a massive falling out with one of the most beloved people in my life, excruciating self discovery and loathing, life has been massively chaotic lately, and I didn't want to post all my melodrama and come across and a mega whiner.
So, after taking a few months to recover and heal and come to terms with stuff, I'm back!

That said, I have happy news!


That's right.

Thanks to The Nearsighted Owl and several other fat positive blogs, I can totally look at all my chub and go, "Ya know what? Sexy."

 Look at that.  That's not so bad.  I mean, it's not THIS:
Original source unknown; found on Pinterest.
I mean, oh my GOD. Look at that. Holy shit, dude.

But still.  Here's my little corner of inspiration and encouragement in a world of bony women.
This blog post was titled Learning to Walk Again because that's what I've had to do these last few months.  Pick up the pieces of a broken heart, a broken ego and a somewhat broken mind and keep walking.  Stay tuned to see how it's been turning out.